At The LA Brace Center, we have friendly bilingual staff available to assist all our clients, even our non-English speaking friends.
The LA Scoliosis Brace Clinic
We’ll Ensure You Always Get The Best Result.
Why Us
Our facilities are the original provider of The L.A. Brace™ and are owned by Gez Bowman CO, the designer of The LA Brace™.
How we Treat
Being diagnosed with scoliosis is a challenging time. There is always resistance to conservative treatment and particular concerns about whether the brace will show beneath clothing and how to deal with interacting with over children at school. At The LA Brace Center, we provide thoughtful, caring and innovative interactions and run a practice that is focused as much on the patients as it is on the brace. We spend the necessary time and effort needed with each patient to ensure that they understood their situation, understand what we are trying to achieve as a team and how this is ultimately to their best interest.

The LA Brace Centers are located in two offices in Van Nuys, California which is just west of Los Angeles in the San Fernando Valley and Duarte, California which is to the east side of Los Angeles in the San Gabriel Valley.

Gez Bowman
Gez Bowman is the inventor of The LA Brace™ and the owner of The LA Brace International, Inc and owner of The LA Brace Center. He is also owner of Valley Orthopedic Technology, an orthotics and prosthetics practice. Gez began his career in England where he had a background of math and computing prior to moving into the field of orthotics and prosthetics.
About Scoliosis
The term Scoliosis comes from a Greek word that means “crookedness” or “curve” and is a condition in which the spine is bending away from its normal alignment in a 3-dimensional manner. It is most commonly diagnosed in early adolescence and 2-3% of the population will develop scoliosis, of which about 10% will progress to the point they need treatment. Curves under 25 degrees may or may not progress. However, once a curve reaches 25 degrees it will continue to worsen. If left untreated and allowed to progress, it can get worse and can eventually lead to other more serious problems. Once a curve reaches 50 degrees, conservative treatment becomes ineffective and the only option is spine surgery. Studies have shown that, for curves 25-50 degrees, scoliosis is most effectively treated with hyper-corrective asymmetrical rigid back braces, like The LA 3D Brace.