Brace & Schroth

How It Works

Traditionally, in the US, therapy has been considered to be ineffective in treating scoliosis. However the Schroth method is a more advanced pattern-specific 3-dimensional treatment that is beginning to demonstrate positive results as suggested in the study of Otman 


LA 2-Brace System With Schroth Method

The new 2-brace LA brace system is the perfect companion to Schroth method. The 2-brace system combines the standard pattern-specific LA brace with a secondary low profile exercise brace. This second brace stabilizes only in certain areas to allow for the combination of stability and postural corrections. We classify scoliosis into 10 different patterns and for each pattern we have a 2-brace system available. We believe the 2-brace system in combination with the Schroth method represents the Gold standard for conservative treatment of scoliosis.

About Scoliosis

The term Scoliosis comes from a Greek word that means “crookedness” or “curve” and is a condition in which the spine is bending away from its normal alignment in a 3-dimensional manner. Left untreated, it can get worse and can eventually lead to other more serious problems. Studies have shown that, in most cases, scoliosis is most effectively treated with hyper-corrective asymmetrical rigid back braces.