
Treatment Success

The LA 3D Brace is the most advanced scoliosis brace technique available anywhere in the world. Overall its success rate is far superior to all other bracing systems:

Studies of 3D bracing have consistently shown results to be superior to “Standard” bracing.

The preliminary Study performed by J. Kessler MD showed surgery rates for The LA Brace™ to be as low as 5-10% compared with an average of about 30% for all other bracing at specialized centers, 40% for orthotic general practice and 50% for no-bracing.

Our own study of 112 patients fit at the LA Brace study yielded a surgery rate of 11%

Part of the success of The LA Brace™ is due to its more developed classification system. The LA Brace™ classification system defines scoliosis into 10 different patterns. For the sake of simplicity, we have grouped different classes together to present results in a much more simplified manner as just:

Adult scoliosis;

We classify adults as a separate grouping. Adults with scoliosis have different needs and require a different design of brace. Our goals of treatment are pain relief and minimization of curve progression.

Patient Results

Success at The LA Brace™ has been proven time and time again for various curve patterns. Click on the links above to see examples of individual results seen for patients under the treatment of The LA Brace Center.